Artist in Residence MeiPAM Gallery | Shodoshima - 小豆島, Japan


MeiPAM Gallery- Location one of four sites around Tonosho

Shodoshima is the second largest island in the Seto Inland Sea and one of the first islands born to the gods in the creation myth of Japan. The name literally means "small bean island", which technically refers to the azuki bean but today would more fittingly refer to the soy bean or olive as the island has traditionally been a producer of soy sauce and now is even better known for its olive plantations.

Shodo attracts visitors with its Mediterranean atmosphere, offering beaches, resorts, coastal sceneries and a mountainous interior with one of Japan's most celebrated gorges, the Kankakei Gorge. The island is also known as the filming location of a popular movie- 'Nijushi No Hitomi' or '24 Eyes'.

Shodoshima serves as one of the venues for the Setouchi Triennale art festival. Some permanent art installations from past festivals can be seen around the island. These include several outdoor installations.

Tonosho town on Shodoshima is know as Meiro no Mach or 'Little Maze Town'

Shodoshima and a few things that this island is famous for; Olives, Angel Road (a very pretty and auspicious sandbar connecting three small islands to Shodoshima), somen noodles, monkeys, and some epic sunsets amongst a mecca for arts, creativity and culture.

I am so thrilled to be back in Shodoshima. This island is a very special wee place in the world and is fertile ground for creativity, the space to think and develop, and a location of breathtaking natural beauty and the opportunity for immersion within this. 

Above are photos of around my home on Shodoshima- talk about living in the lap of the Gods!

I was so taken with this spot and the wonderful people I met when I travelled through in May- you can read about me finding MeiPAM Gallery here

My next exhibition is on the 10th of October at MeiPAM- WoooOO- that'll be number 6 for the last year! I am excited to share what this amazing opportunity inspires me to create.

↑ is a sneak peek at new artworks in development. Drawing inspiration from my environment and using natural and synthetic materials, I am creating new works that combine pattern, optics, process and formula. Taking my skills with textiles and embroidery back from the 3D to 2D, these drawings create motifs and depth with mark and line. 

I have been working away creating crafty goodies for sale and have art/ language evenings for adults and children scheduled from next week where you can come along and relax, chat and make the funky things pictured above :)

Saturday mornings

Click to enlarge

Tuesday nights

Upcoming is the Olive Festival on October the 18th- food, music, hot air balloons and all sorts of fantastic goodies and shows are planned. I will have a stall where you can come make the photographed crafts with me- if you would like more information about this or the evening classes please feel free to contact 

If you have not already, have a quiz at my Instagram feed- there are daily bits and pieces that catch my eye on my adventures!

Sayonara- until next time! x

⁀⊙﹏☉⁀    (̃⊙.o      ⊙.◎)  ❤   (̃⊙.o      ⊙.◎)    ⁀⊙﹏☉⁀

雪の天- Snow Heaven

Hokkaido: NISEKO

Mt Yōtei (the "Mt. Fuji of Hokkaido")- looking at hiking the summit of him weather permitting!

Nothing about Japan is cold. Paradoxes and parodies abound with Formality and Tradition the big brothers to the young mischievous ruckus of Kawaii Super Cute and Neon Love. 

Night boarding at Grand Hirafu- like a boss- board in board out Boom !

Night boarding at Grand Hirafu- like a boss- board in board out Boom !

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge


A part of my soul has come home. Japan is sublime. From the moment I boarded the flight from Auckland to Tokyo, an experience filled with juxtaposition, contradictions and an unflustered air began. NZ95 must be the well pressed trooper of the fleet- from a beige & more formal past time.  It was service with a smile, comfort with rugs and pillows and coloured by beige and chocolate brown interior highlights. As NZ slipped away, a very gentle calm descended.

Check out Flowstate by clicking above...

Writing this is hard- where the hell to start- it is all epic?! Currently I am in the most Northern island of Japan- Hokkaido, and a couple of hours south of Sapporo in Niseko. I am here for a relatively medium sized length of string (I never have plans set in stone); the next week is with an international group of adventurers for a gathering of likeminded individuals who are exploring new concepts of how creativity effects the neuroplasicity of the brain. Mindfulness and Flow are high productivity techniques that are achieved through self awareness, structured goal setting and by pushing ourselves out of the comfort zone. How activity, movement (mediation and yoga) and risk management (aka adventure sports) effect our process to hit the sweet spot of performance, how to nurture and care for ourselves after passing through this stage and ultimately, how to reach our full potential.  HARRO!

Summit Mt Niseko An’nupuri

The day I arrived I blew in with an ENORMOUS and unsuspected dump of snow- EEEeeoooW!! 

In three days I have snowboarded in day and night, three fields- An’nupuri, Grand Hirafu and Hanazono. I have hiked the summit Mt Niseko An’nupuri, trekked, meditated, Chi Gong'ed (Japanese Tai Chi), yogi'ed, noshed amazing food- geeked out on incredible packaging (which is packaged in another package, within a package- you should see the recycling regime!!), met amazing locals and people from further abroad and fallen in love with Onsen.

Onsen protocol

The Hilton Niseko Onsen

The Hilton Niseko Onsen

All the things that truly matter- beauty, love, creativity, joy, inner peace- all of these arise from more than the thinking world
— Eckhart Tolle

A few things I have loved and of note so far:

Onsen (hot-pools) are communal group bathing pools with a custom and ceremony which I have found instantly addictive. Women and men are split and bathing is done nude, yet a graceful and considerate respect is between all participants. Relaxing and taking care of yourself at the end of the day is a beautiful reflection time without rush or distraction.

The Western world could do with dipping her toes into this concept. I enjoy observing how this arrangement facilitates a time for women to gather and relax together without self conscious and concerned with image. This custom and many other examples in Japanese culture have made me realise how very young new New Zealand’s culture really is. Which is rather intriguing really, because we have geothermal pools and history and heritage in enjoying them- but it's a very different energy and protocol. We are but the gravel starting to seal at the beginning of a road paved in time.

Green Tea.. flavoured anything. OMG. Picture says a thousand words.

Simmering subtext... it's all just under the surface bubbling away ;)

Simmering subtext... it's all just under the surface bubbling away ;)

I like being Gaijin. I like opening my eyes and ears to unfamiliar surroundings and observing other traditions to assimilate into my new surroundings. Anonymity and my curiosity are a well suited pair to my adventurous spirit which is allowing me to find, seek and explore new physical, mental and conceptual platforms.

HEATED TOILET SEATS. Nuff said- revolutionary. I need one good reason why this aint global?

The countryside is picturesque and strangely familiar as it really is like the woodblocks and ink works I have admired and studied over the years. The images of my dreams are reality and lead into my sense of familiarity. Even though I have a knowledge of Japan- I was conscious to put aside expectations and arrive without assumptions- there are surprises everywhere^=^

Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive. Because what the world needs is more people who have come alive
— Howard Thurman
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